Eine Woche lang werden wir uns neben der Asana Praxis (Mysore Style) mit Atem, Stimme und Philosphie beschäfigen. Der Unterricht wird in einem kleinen, intimen Rahmen stattfinden – ein Geschenk.
„When I feel comfortable within and settled in myself, everything is easier, more relaxed and potentially joyful.
By repetitively stepping into the internal landscape and nourishing the self, we are able to dance out into the world with effortless focus.
How do we get there… to that place of ease-fullness?
Through gentle breath and sound resonance we can tonify the nervous system, dissolving agitation and settling the restless mind.
With prayer and mantra we connect to the heart. With silence we discover the natural self at the centre of it all. To arrive at lucidity and grace.“